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17.情绪不好时、烦躁时听听音乐,特别是“When you believe”、“Everybody hurts”、“Hero”、“In the end”、英雄交响曲这种唤人坚强向上的。


131. faction / fiction / factitious / fictitious

faction: A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas.

e.g. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the country's warring factions.

factitious: produced by humans rather than by natural forces

fictitious: Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists.

132. calamity / calumny

calamity: A calamity is an event that causes a great deal of damage, destruction, or personal distress. (FORMAL)(=disaster)

calumny: Calumny or a calumny is an untrue statement made about someone in order to reduce other people's respect and admiration for them. (FORMAL)(=slander)(污蔑,诽谤(的话))

133. team / teem

teem: If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals, you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot. (=swarm)

134. callow / callous

callow: A callow young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult.

callous: A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.


139.put something. to rest 解决,处理

Definition: to settleor finish, especially a question or discussion

Example: Their smilingfaces put to rest any rumors of an impending separation between the couple.

140.make demands on 需要

Definition: require somethingof someone

Example: Her homeworkfrom school makes considerable demands on her time at night.

141.short notice 临时通知

Definition: quicklyand without a timely notification of other people

Example: He called themeeting on such short notice that we had no time to prepare.

142.devoid of 没有

Definition: havingnone of

Example: I wentsearching for a knife, but the kitchen was devoid of anything sharp.

143.put something at stake 把..处于险境

Definition: To risksomething

Example: Because hewas a reckless gambler, he was willing to put a lot of large amount of money atstake.

144.border on 邻近,近乎

Definition: to be verynear to a particular quality

Example: His bizarrebehavior at the party scared the guests and borders on the insane.

145.at the root of ..的原因,..的真相

Definition: to be thecause of something

Example: He believesthat his student’s lack of interest in this class lies at the root of his recentdrop in performance.

146.in light of 根据,鉴于

Definition: because ofa particular fact

Example: In light ofyour good driving record, we’ve decided to overlook this minor traffic offense.

147.snap up 抢购,把..抢到手

Definition: toimmediately take advantage of an opportunity

Example: By 10o’clock, most of the best holiday discounts in the store had been snapped up.

148.shore up 支持,巩固

Definition: to givesupport or help to something that is having problems or is likely to fail

Example: He called foraction to shore up the ailing university by reaching out to private donors andwealthy alumni.

149.rule out 排除

Definition: to stopconsidering something as a possibility

Example: Theinvestigators ruled out their prime suspect after he was proven to be out ofthe country at the time of the crime.


150.a priori 未经观察分析地,既定地

Definition: intuitively known without examination or analysis

Example: There's no a priori reason to think your expenses will remain the same in a larger city.

151.ad hoc 临时安排的

Definition: done onlywhen needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparation

Example: To keep thepolice force on the streets, the mayor and the city council made an ad hocdecision to increase the salaries of law enforcement officers by ten percent.

152.bona fide 真正的

Definition: Honest;genuine; acting without the intention of defrauding

Example: In order toreceive a refund for your returned purchase, you will need to show the salesclerk a bona fide receipt for the item.

153.percapita 每人,按人分配的

Definition: based oncalculations that show the average amount for each person affected

Example: The country’srecent wealth was indicated by a rise in per capita income.

154.status quo 现状

Definition: thepresent situation, or the way that things usually are

Example: The newcompany president has plans to change the status quo and turn the business intoa new organization.

155.viceversa 反之亦然

Definition: theopposite of what has been said

Example: Should I cometo your house for dinner or vice versa?

156.ad-lib 即兴演讲

Definition: to act orspeak without preparing, to improvise

Example: I lost thenotes for my talk and had to ad-lib.

157.drop out of 中途退出

Definition: to leavesomething such as an activity before youhave finished what you intended to do

Example: She wasinjured in the first round and had to drop out of the competition.

158.lose out to 输给…

Definition: to lose acompetition to someone or something

Example: Bill lost outto Sally in the election for student government president in a very close race.

159.bear the stamp of something 具有..的迹象

Definition: Be clearlyidentifiable with

Example: Every work ofmaster watchmaker inevitably bears the stamp of his craftsmanship.

160.strip away 去掉

Definition: to removeor peel something from someone or something.


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