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Describe an ideal house.

You should say:

where it is

what it looks like

when you would like to live in

and explain why you would like to live in it.

Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve wanted to live in a house by the water. When I say water, I mean anywhere like the sea, a river or a lake. It doesn’t matter to me. I guess if it was by a river or a lake then I’d like the house to be right on the edge of the water so that I could have a boat moored up alongside and maybe go fishing. If it were by the sea, then I’d like to have a beach between the house and the water so I could go for walks along the coast and one day play with my kids in the sand.

The house itself could be any size, large or small would do for me as the location is what’s important. It would be cool to have a bedroom that faced the water and a balcony so that I could sit outside and have a great view. The interior of the house would be very modern, with top-of-the-range gadgets and appliances, such as a massive TV and a good cooker so that I could cook delicious meals.

I’ve no idea when I would be able to afford such a house, to be honest I think it’s a bit of a pipe-dream, but assuming I could I’d like to live there before I’m too old. I’d have to work hard first to save up lots of money, so I think middle-age is the most realistic target.

I think everyone dreams of having a big house, in a good location, with a nice interior and furnishings. We all want to live a good life and escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Being by the water would be the icing on the cake.


Describe an article you read about healthy life.

You should say:

where you read it from

when you read it

what the article was about

and explain what you thought of this article.

I don’t usually read much about health, I’m not a fitness fanatic but I try to keep reasonably healthy with a little bit of exercise and by eating a balanced diet. However, there was one article that grabbed my attention recently, about sugar.

I often surf the internet and look at news websites in my spare time, I like to keep up to date with what’s going on in the world. More often than not an article will have links to other articles down the side or at the bottom of the page, so you can spend hours going from one to another.

About a month ago, during the recent athletics championships in Beijing, I was reading an article about sport when a link to another article caught my eye. It was describing how for years people had thought fat was making people overweight and so food companies would bring out lots of low-fat products that were supposed to be healthier, such as low-fat yoghurt or soft drinks. But in fact, these products are higher in sugar, and sugar is now thought to be worse for your health than fat.

I have no idea whether the article was right or not, but it certainly made me think about my sugar intake. It also made me think about people’s diet in general, with more and more kids eating sugary snacks and enjoying more Western junk food like KFC and McDonald's. I think it’s important to have these articles and documentary films that highlight the issues raised by the articles. Soon we might have a big problem with obesity, like the U.S.


Describe a gift that took you a long time to prepare.

You should say:

when it happened

what the gift is

why it took you so long to choose

and explain how he or she reacted to your gift.

I pride myself on finding the best presents, especially when they’re for my nearest and dearest. One present I’m particularly proud of was for my girlfriend on her 25th birthday. It was an extra-special moment as it was also near the time of our 5th anniversary. I wanted to buy her something that meant something to both of us and had that personal touch.

I put a lot of thought into it and, after chewing it over, I eventually chose to give her a picture using an enlarged photograph of us both, that was taken while we were on holiday in Shanghai. It was a very special moment for us both, so I knew it would have sentimental value to her.

But that wasn’t the half of it, next I had to pick out a frame for the picture. My girlfriend is a notoriously picky person, so I knew I had to get

Luckily the frame I opted for was right on the money. When she unwrapped the gift, her eyes lit up, she was elated and gave me a big kiss. For the rest of the day, she was beaming and I couldn’t wipe the smile of her face. Now the picture takes pride of place in our bedroom, so I know that she really does love it!


Describe a team you were part of.

You should say:

when the team was formed

who else participated in it

what you did there

and explain why you became part of the team.

I was an enthusiastic member of the student union while I was at university. My university was founded in 1950 and the union had existed for many years, but obviously there was a turnover of members as students graduated.

Besides myself, the union consisted of a number of my fellow classmates and some students from other departments. It was nice to mingle with people outside of my department and make friends in different circles. Despite this, I was especially glad that my good friend Tina was also an active member, so we could chat and see each other without our union commitments getting in the way.

The role of the union was to organize student events, for instance the end of year party or certain competitions like the annual drama contest. The biggest occasion I had a hand in was the university’s 50th Anniversary, where we threw an elaborate party, with dancers and fireworks and even some VIP guest speakers.

At first, I had little to no interest in joining the union, but prospect of seeing Tina more regularly was a real incentive for me, not to mention I thought it would look good on my résumé in the future. It turned out to be a great choice as everyone welcomed me with open arms and I made friends that I plan to keep in contact with for the rest of my life.



