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1. Not knowing he had ________ out with his girl friend, I made the mistake of inviting them both to the party.

A. fallen B. quarreled C. parted D. separated

2. They voted to _________ the office of second vice-president.

A. abolish B. erase C. refuse D. reject

3. Frankly speaking, your article is very good except for _________ mistakes in grammar.

A. obscure B. glaring C. trivial D. rave [CET-6, 1999, 6]

4. Some fish have a greater _________ for acid water than others.

A. tolerance B. resistance C. dependence D. persistence [CET-6, 1998, 1]

5. ________ by company employees cost many businesses thousands of dollars each year.

A. Thefts B. Ignorances C. Burglaries D. Robberies

6. If you don’t complete the work according to the contract, I will ________ you for damages.

A. accuse B. charge C. sue D. complain

7. By ________ computation, he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a thousand dollars.

A. coarse B. rude C. crude D. rough [CET-6, 1997, 6]

8. Foreigners _____ in China are subject to Chinese law.

A. inhabiting B. dwelling C. residing D. sheltering

9. I could see from his work that he had made a _______ study of his subject. Otherwise, he couldn’t have made such a rapid progress.

A. stable B. delicate C. profound D. arbitrary

10. As a _______ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.

A. flexible B. versatile C. sophisticated D. productive

11. Some children display an _____ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.

A. incredible B. infectious C. incompatible D. inaccessible

12. The Christmas tree was decorated with shining ______ such as colored lights and glass balls.

A. ornaments B. luxuries C. exhibits D. complements [CET-6, 2000, 12]

13. Competition, they believe, _______ the national character rather than corrupt it.

A. enforces B. confirms C. intensifies D. strengthens [CET-6, 1997, 1]

14. I was ______ by their kindnesses and moved to tears.

A. preoccupied B. embarrassed C. overwhelmed D. counseled

15. Having passed TOTEL, he was _______ from taking English courses.

A. exempted B. disqualified C. prohibited D. deferred

16. Hurricanes are killed winds, and their _____ power lies in the physical damage they can do.

A. cumulative B. destructive C. turbulent D. prevalent

17. Although they had suffered heavy losses, the commanders refused to _____ deferred.

A. grant B. consent C. concede D. acquire

18. It is announced that a wallet has been found and can be _______ at the manager’s office.

A. declared B. obtained C. reclaimed D. recognized

19. Man’s first walk on the moon was a stunning technological _________.

A. success B. achievement C. succession D. accomplishment

20. An editor is responsible for accepting or rejecting ______ for publication.

A. manuscripts B. inscriptions C. scriptures D. subscriptions


1. 答案为A。

A. fall out 闹翻,吵闹 B. quarrel with 与……争吵 C. part with 与……分手 D. separate from 与……分离

2. 答案为A。

A. abolish 废除,取消 B. erase 擦去,抹去 C. refuse 拒绝 D. reject驳回,抛弃

3. 答案为C。

A. obscure 晦涩的,难理解的B. glaring非常显眼的,怒目而视的 C. trivial细小的,琐碎的 D. rave稀有的,罕见的,少见的

4. 答案为A。

A. tolerance忍耐力 B. resistance 抵制,抵抗 C. dependence D. persistence依赖,依靠

5. 答案为A。

A. Theft 偷窃(行为) B. Ignorance无知,愚昧 C. Burglary入室盗窃 D. Robbery抢劫

6. 答案为C。

A. accuse 控告,指控accuse sb of sth B. charge控告,指控……有罪 charge sb with sth C. sue控告 sue sb of sth D. complain抱怨,埋怨

7. 答案为D。

A. coarse粗糙的,粗鲁的 B. rude 粗鲁的,无礼的 C. crude粗的,未加工的 D. rough粗略的,大致的

8. 答案为C。

A. inhabit居住,定居 B. dwell居住(尤用于正式文学文体) C. reside居住,定居 D. shelter……提供保护,隐匿

9. 答案为C。

A. stable 平稳的,稳固的 B. delicate 脆弱的,易损坏的 C. profound 深远的,深入的 D. arbitrary任意的,恣意的

10. 答案为B。A. flexible 灵活的,易弯曲的 B. versatile 多才多艺的 C. sophisticated复杂的,世故的 D. productive多产的

11. 答案为A。

A. incredible 难以置信的 B. infectious 传染的,易感染的 C. incompatible不相容的 D. inaccessible难达到的, 难接近的

12. 答案为A。

A. ornaments 装饰品 B. luxuries 奢侈,豪华 C. exhibits 展品 D. complements补足,补语

13. 答案为D。

A. enforce加强,用威胁或用武力迫使(某事的发生) B. confirm支持,确认 C. intensify使强烈,强化 D. strengthen使加强,增强

14. 答案为C。

A. preoccupy:使全神贯注 B. embarrass:使尴尬 C. overwhelm:(感情上)受不了,征服 D. counsel:取消资格

15. 答案为A。

A. exempt:免除 B. disqualify: 取消资格 C. prohibit:禁止 D. defer:托延,遵从

16. 答案为B。

A. cumulative:累积的 B. destructive:的破坏性的 C. turbulent:波涛汹涌的 D. prevalent:常见的,流行的

17. 答案为C。

A. grant:给予 B. consent:同意,答应 C. concede承认 D. acquire:得到,获得

18. 答案为C。.

A. declare:声明,声称 B. obtain:得到 C. reclaim:认领 D. recognize:认出

19. 答案为D。

A. success: 成功 B. achievement:成就 C. succession:连续,继承 D. accomplishment:(按预订计划)完成

20. 答案为A。

A. manuscripts:手稿,稿件 B. inscriptions:碑文,题词 C. scriptures:圣经 D. subscriptions:

