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雅思考试的写作Task 1不能少于150字,Task 2不能少于250字。写作要充分展开论述,从而有利地支持文章观点,充足的字数是必须的。但是如果写作犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,又如黄河泛滥一发不可收拾,这样的文思泉涌为什么也不一定会加分呢?让我们来看看英语教学专家具体怎么说:





雅思写作Task 1要求“能否有效地找到信息中关键的内容并对之进行描述和写作”,雅思写作Task1考的是描述能力。在有限的时间内,想要把图表内的每个信息都进行描述是不可能、也是不必要的,关键的是要把这些信息分组,然后挑出最重要的信息突出表述,最后进行归纳总结、简述趋势。

写作Task 2主要考察“论点是否切中题目的要求、论证过程是否完整、论点是否得到了论据的支持;观点是否清晰和有效”,考的是论述能力。其实,任何考试作文题考的都是写作能力,而不是考你的观点有多么正确。正所谓“论之有据”,中文写作如此,英文写作也不例外,但中国烤鸭往往落入费尽心思挖论点的误区,而忽略了使用论据来证明自己的论点。此外,要把观点表述得“清晰有效”也很考功夫。英文写作中注重言简意赅,特别是在篇幅有限的考试写作的环境下,更需要大家将自己的观点提纲挈领地表述出来,并通过使用主题句(每段的开头或结尾)或者是连接词等清晰明了地指示出自己的观点。


在明确每部分任务考查的重点之后,合理安排好写作时间则是需要强调的一大重点。在两项任务的时间分配上,建议大家用20分钟完成写作Task 1,40分钟完成写作Task 2。大多数烤鸭们确实会选择先做Task 1,但许多人似乎都陷入了“泥沼”—也就是说,他们花了过多的时间用在写作Task 1 上,无论是细节和篇幅都超过了必要程度。当然,你必须了解图表的主要特征并反映出来,但与此同时,你还须将字数控制好,注意不要比150字的最短篇幅超出太多字数。要知道多出的篇幅并不能给你带来加分。常常看到有些烤鸭在30分钟、甚至35分钟过后仍然就写作Task 1奋笔疾书。设想一下,将如此多的时间用来写篇幅较短、分数值也较少的Task 1,然后只能给篇幅更长、分数值更高的Task 2 留下30分钟、甚至25分钟,这样做是否能够得到高分?答案当然是否定的,因为这意味着你可能需要一边“赶着”整理思路,一边完成250字的最低字数要求,同时在这样紧张的时间内还要避免明显的词汇和语法错误。这样的时间安排想要拿到好成绩,难度也是很大呢!


很多考鸭容易犯一个致命错误,因为担心作文来不及写,在拿到雅思写作题目后只是快速扫视雅思写作题目,然后就开始奋笔疾书。不过很快又能看到他们搁下笔费力地思考下一步应该写些什么,有时甚至要用橡皮擦掉整个句子重新来过,就这样反反复复,时间过去了一大半,写出的字数似乎还是那么点…这样虽然下笔很快,但由于需要浪费时间组织更多观点和/或修改已经写好的内容,导致最后甚至没有完成考试要求的字数。最后也没有留出时间查错。因此,烤鸭们在下笔之前应该抽出几分钟仔细思考,确保你已经完全了解问题;构思好几个关键思路,做一些简单的笔记;完成写作后如有时间,检查词汇和语法是否运用正确。俗话说得好,“审题审三遍,下笔如有神。还想多得分,写完查两回。” 想要合理安排好写作时间。

雅思写作大作文范文:home schooling利弊

真题范文:In some countries, there has been an increase number of parents who educated their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages.


就此题而言,正反方观点的确认难度稍微增加了些,但是只要考生仔细审题,把握基本原则,一般情况下是不会跑题的。我们把“instead of sending them to school”这个部分暂时去掉,会发现题目的双方分别是:1. It is good for parents to educate their children at home; 2. It is bad for parents to educate their children at home.


Domestic learning seems to be an increasing popularity these days, and a number of educationalists have different opinions over whether it is of benefits or drawbacks for parents to choose home learning. Personally, based on distinct circumstances, this trend proves to be a double-edged knife.


On the one hand, there are many advantages of learning at home and high learning efficiency is one of them. Parents are more active to manage to satisfy an individualistic learning pattern of their children, for example, by observing the academic performance, learning habits and attitudes towards different subjects. However, this cannot be achieved in large-scaled class teaching. To be more specific, common students at school have limited choices to learn what they are enthusiastic about in comparison to those who are allowed to have home study, they are given the advantage to develop various potentials in study such as talent in arts or in science. Less pressure is considered to be another ameliorative point in this respect. For those who are vulnerable inside, learning subjects at home are thought to be a good way to avoid peer pressure. While at educational institutions, learning motivation is likely to be inhibited by self-consciousness, thus hindering knowledge acquisition.

On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Firstly, apart from theoretical knowledge, other developments including those regarding social skills and physical growth are the big worries. Since adolescents are exposed to a comparatively closed learning environment, it is of little chance for teamwork and PE programs. There is also teaching quality to be considered as well,parents who have not been trained professionally usually could not provide systematic teaching outlook and learning difficulties cannot be addressed strategically in most cases, this may lead to a demotivation of young learners.

To conclude, every coin has two sides, and this is the same case with domestic learning. What adults need to remember is to find appropriate solutions to combat the problems identified above.


Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


此次大作文考察的是广告类话题,这一类agree/disagree题型不属于二元对立题,而是出现了极端表达 “should be banned”。那么针对这种题型的写法,我们一般是打“极端表达”这个店。比如此题我们的写作思路就可以整理成为:一些广告缺失存在负面效应,如虚假广告或者一些传播负面思想或行为的广告,但是并不能因为这一部分广告的存在就否定整个广告产业,我们需要做的是如何有效地去监管以及规制这些广告。另外,审题时还要注意的一点就是题目中所关注的人群,即小孩。那么针对小孩这个群体,他们有一些自身的特点,如自身发展不成熟,易受影响等。


Advertising has been considered as an effective way to boost the sales of advertised products, which is widely used in diverse areas. However, some side effects produced by the advertisements especially those directed at children have aroused the concern among the public. From my perspective, these advertisements should be strictly regulated rather than banned.

It is undeniable that advertisements can inform consumers about new products and services, which helps children and parents make informed choices. The advertising campaigns not only allow consumers to get to know a variety of alternative goods, but also the distinctive features of each brand, hence children or their parents can make a comparison of those products and purchase the ones in need. Apart from that, advertising is an important source of entertainment which gives children a lot of fun. As many advertisements shown on TV are both educational and attractive to children, they can gain many benefits while watching. For example, those funny cartoon characters can teach children to dance or sing.

On the other hand, some negative influences should also be taken into consideration. Due to the fact that children have not developed physically and mentally to a full extent, they can be easily swayed by advertising. If the advertisements contain some misleading information, children may not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and consider the information or the specific action to be acceptable. Meanwhile, some of the advertisements can be deceptive. In order to pursue profits to a larger extent, some companies may deliberately exaggerate the advantages of their products and hide those potential risks. As a result, children may pester their parents to buy these products which turn out to be not exactly the same.

To summarize, children-aimed advertisements can bring both positive and negative effects. Instead of banning them, the government can attach tighter regulations in the procedure of examination and approval. At the same time, parents should take the responsibility of guiding children when the false advertisements occur.


雅思写作真题范文:Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




Mankind and many animal species used to share the same planet. However, the harmonious co-existence has not been the case since the accelerating pace of human civilization. Regardless of some pessimistic views that the conflict between human and nature is irreconcilable, I am of the opinion that it is never too late to reverse this situation.

It is true, to some extent, that the development of human civilization has undermined the natural evolution of many plant and animal species. Population growth, which began with the advent of industrialization, has broken the balance between human beings and the nature. More untouched and primitive forests have disappeared, and increasing numbers of animals are slaughtered due to the unquenchable desire of human beings for some valuable resources from animals and plants.

However, the circumstances are not so bleak as the pessimists suppose and there are more methods to handle this problem. The growingly in-depth research into animals and plants gives access to more effective means to protect some endangered species from dying out. For example, the genetic technology can be fully utilized to reproduce some animals and plants which are on the brink of danger and extinction, and GPS can be employed to locate and pinpoint some rare animal species, making it more convenient to collect some first-hand information which can be used for the protection of the corresponding species.

Personally, I hold the belief that there are likely to be a rosy picture of the relationship between human and the nature. As human being’s awareness of sustainable development increases, chances are that more regulations and laws will be issued to guide and curb human being’s behavior. Some dirty practices such as poaching, deforestation and over exploitation of animal resources will possibly be alleviated.


★ 雅思口语写作中话题词汇的重要性


